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The David De-Val Straitjacket

  • Great finale to a street show or indoor show
  • Copy of one of David's original Straitjackets
  • Tested by members of the UKEA (United Kingdom Escape Artists)

The David De-Val Straitjacket has been expertly remastered and reproduced.  One of David's original Straitjackets was reverse engineered to make an exact copy which was then tested by various escape artists and members of the UKEA (United Kingdom Escape Artists) and improvements were made where they thought necessary, such as reinforcing the rivets on the inside of the jacket and the UKEA then gave it their official seal of approval, making this one of the best straitjackets ever created!

The gimmicks are in both sleeves and are expertly hidden, so much so that a spectator could completely examine it and even put the jacket on themselves without ever finding the secret. 

We currently have 1  large size in stock.

As a guide to sizing, think of it as purchasing a t-shirt or sweatshirt, if you wear a small t-shirt, then the small would be the best option, if you wear a large, then the large would be best.  

Tags showmanship, stage, street magic, busking, stage effect, street performing
Media Type Shipped Product

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